Rules for my life

Reading is the missing key. Where I can derive the most value for my life.

  1. Enjoy the day and the present. They are not for granted.
  2. When I’m bored I should read, write, produce. Or just be bored. Never go to YouTube for these moments. What you can extract from there has already saturated.
  3. Wake up in a predefined time. Don’t be mad at you if you didn’t manage. See what’s wrong (you know what) and fix for the next time.
  4. You need to exercise once per day. The earlier the better. Plan accordingly.
  5. When you feel stiff, stretch.
  6. When your mind wanders or you feel anxious, meditate.
  7. Listen. When you feel the need to argue to someone, think it again. Listen, instead. Listen.
  8. Make firm sentences that convey what you feel - without hurting anymore. You are not a robot. You are a well-spoken person.
  9. When your voice is not working properly, don’t talk much. Simple as that.
  10. When you see something wrong, fix it or plan the time for it now.
  11. When you meet someone wrong, just go with it. Silent ignore and don’t take part in the wrongness.