Extracting Public Notes

From the draft to an usable piece of information. Utility is gained from various sources; one of them is from publishing. Public publishing stuff - be it code, text, project, anything, targets the long tail like nothing else. Passive side effects that I want to integrate seamlessly into my workflow. Don’t overcomplicate, keep it simple; but, of course, still conforming to the key requirements.

Due to several limitations, fully publishing some types of work is sometimes not feasible. I approach it from the lens of software engineering: extract out the public stuff.

I started developing a game where I had to overcome some limitations of the framework I was using. Although I don’t see the game becoming open-source any time soon, I definitely see potential in the framework-specific solutions I had to come up during the development. I can easily derive 1-2 libraries from it that can benefit many others.

I also see a non-negligible benefit for myself: getting to know people, understand their issues, learn new approaches and solve problems I didn’t think of. Spreading the word is made inside a no-bullshit mindset (which I learned to value more and more).