Preserving what I consume

Read, watch. Sense. Taking control of the stuff I consume and steering towards creativity output. Not overdoing it, but passively expanding my world view.

I question how can I do it better. Is a directory full of text the best way to ferment new ideas; or is it yet another way to let them expire.

I seek modern approach. I value though the old way - it led to this moment, after all.

The question is somewhat will formulated. Preserving what I consume is never the goal. Never should be a goal. Wisdom, intelligence is not derived from it. Knowledge maybe, but better policies are only consequence of applying and mutating stuff I learned; be the outcome correct or not.

How can I foment a prosperous chain that leads to a more rewarding view of the world? Not hedonistic, but truly humanly rewarding.

Writing makes me feel closer to it. Publishing my ideas too. Hoarding, however, generates the illusion of work. The illusion of productiveness. Also: being productive is often hidden in the same shadow.

Bare with me, I just started to learn.

I see some value in this [writing]. I also see value on the same thing I didn’t see any 2 hours ago. Funny thing. Everyday is a bit different, the priorities, the goals, the instruments shift in shape and value. Understanding it is being closer to myself. Frustration is a natural part of all; stoicism a first reflex. Post that is uncharted terrain, individually etched.

Learning is repetition; and repetition should not be forced. You didn’t learn your mother tongue with Anki. Facilitate the environment where repetition happens and the failure doesn’t affect you much. Cut down externalities that hinder this from happening.

Technical skills are only one type of useful skills; and sometimes mind wants the others.